Last seen: February 17, 2024 3:01 pm
Did this happen already?
@mjm1000 how was it? What did they say when they returned to the car after?
I would appreciate an invite too
@polly-esther when are you guys planning another visit?
@polly-esther when are you guys planning another visit?
What are you into @sydneygirlpants?
@mjm1000 can we arrange for a Sunday arvo visit to OSS?
Any dogging around the northern beaches?
I’m keen - let me know and I’ll tag along
I’m interested too
I’m keen to take you guys to OSS
@aj1 you want to arrange a three way at Amanda Heavens? A mini gang bang?
@aj1 you want to arrange a three way at Amanda Heavens? A mini gang bang?
@aj1 cool. What are you into and when do you visit? Who do you see?
@mjm1000 how good is that and what a great arrangement between you and your wife! You two play in other places?
Happy to do it at Amanda Heavens
@mjm1000 for me it’s a mindset, not a look. I’ve had crappy sex with young skinny women. Steamy hot sex with fuller figured women. If hubby is cool wi...
@mjm1000 only saw this now. Can I get an invite to your next OSS visit?
how was OSS? Can I attend a 3c party with you guys next time?
I’d like to join too
Hi Tina, any news on that party date?
@mjm1000 wow! When can we meet guys?
I’d like an invite too please
How did this session go? Did it happen? Which shop and which women?
@flexio I’m interested
Who is good to see at Amanda Heavens?
I’m interested
I’m interested